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  7. Williams Galleries

Contemporary artists and designers come from around the world to engage with students and share their expertise.

Found in the Beard Arts Center, the Williams Galleries showcase visiting artists and designers from around the country. Art + Design students are encouraged to visit these gallery showings for a chance to hear lectures from these professionals and sometimes even receive feedback on their portfolios. These artists come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences and often love to share their stories.


M – F: 8 am – 5pm
Weekends: Closed


4201 S. Washington St., Marion, IN 46953

Park in the visitor parking lot next to the entrance off of S. Washington St. The Williams Galleries is located in the Beard Arts Center (D).

View on Google Maps.

Download a parking map of other lots here.

IWU Division of Art + Design • 4201 S. Washington St., Marion, IN 46953
765 677 2711 • indwes.edu

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